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Cerebral Palsy Lawyer in Philadelphia

Cerebral Palsy and the Law: From a Cerebral Palsy Lawyer in Philadelphia

Having a child diagnosed with a condition such as cerebral palsy (CP) is both alarming and frightening. Your mind may be racing – what can you do next?

The first place to start is by gathering information. If you’re looking for a cerebral palsy lawyer in Philadelphia, you’re in the right place and we may be able to help.

There Are Three Types of Cerebral Palsy

Though the exact, specific cause of cerebral palsy itself in most children is not known, it is still broadly classed according to three specific categories, defined here:

  • Spastic CP: This is the most common form of cerebral palsy (as high as 75%-85% of cases) and the symptoms often manifest as the inability to relax certain muscles, ergo the name. Those affected by spastic CP may also have stiff or rigid muscles/limbs and may even have trouble with eating or speaking. Caused by injury to the brain, the more severe the injury, the more pronounced the symptoms will be.
  • Athetoid CP: A relatively rare form of CP accounting for between 10% and 20% of all cases, athetoid CP, like spastic CP, also manifests as a difficulty controlling motor movements, and often results in jerking or spasms. However, athetoid CP typically affects the head and arms more than it affects the legs so it is more common for those diagnosed with it to have trouble eating or speaking.
  • Ataxic CP: Ataxic CP is the least common form of CP and affects only an estimated 3% of total cases. It is characterized by a difficulty performing fine motor skills, manifesting as shaking or tremors when attempting to perform precise tasks. This makes it difficult for those with ataxic CP to maintain balance when standing, to walk, or to perform basic tasks like writing.

Is Cerebral Palsy Permanent?

While cerebral palsy is a permanent condition, the symptoms generally do not worsen with time. In fact, on the contrary, those with CP can learn skills and techniques that can make it easier for them to go about their normal lives, especially with access to the right resources.

What Causes Cerebral Palsy?

While the exact cause of cerebral palsy is not always known in each instance, there are many potential causes of CP.

Stroke, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), meningitis, choking or drowning, and various head injuries can all result in CP. Congenital CP is also associated with premature birth, low birth weight, and being born as a twin.

Cerebral palsy may also arise as a result of many different types of birth injuries. For instance, hypoxia or asphyxiation, in which the brain does not receive adequate oxygen during birth, can cause CP. It can also be caused by infections during pregnancy as well as injury to the baby’s head during birth. Kernicterus, or severe newborn jaundice, can also cause cerebral palsy.

Are You Entitled to Compensation If Your Child Has Been Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy?

As in so many legal matters, the answer is, it depends. However, if it can be determined that the cause of your child’s cerebral palsy was the result of medical malpractice during the child’s delivery, then you may be entitled to compensation.

Medication errors, failure to properly detect or address a prolapsed umbilical cord, failure to order a necessary C-section, improper use of forceps during delivery, and other acts of negligence or malpractice may all result in a diagnosis of CP.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our cerebral palsy lawyers in Philadelphia if you need help seeking answers and you don’t know where to start. We are more than happy to help.

Facts About Cerebral Palsy

  • Cerebral palsy is one of the most common motor disabilities in young children, affecting an estimated .3% of all children.
  • Over half of all children diagnosed with cerebral palsy can walk independently.
  • With the proper treatment and support, the majority of children diagnosed with CP can lead healthy, active lives.
  • Even though it is commonly referred to as a childhood disorder, CP affects more adults than children.
  • The earlier CP is diagnosed and addressed with targeted intervention, the better the outlook for the patient in the long-term.
  • CP is more common among boys than girls.
  • Around 1 million people in the country are affected by cerebral palsy.
  • CP is strongly linked to other complications, including but not limited to visual impairment, hearing impairments, sleep disorders, and behavioral disorders.

Contact Tom Bosworth, Your Cerebral Palsy Lawyer in Philadelphia

If you’re wondering if the law entitles you or a loved one to compensation as a result of a child’s CP diagnosis, our cerebral palsy lawyer in Philadelphia is here to help.

Don’t just wonder; get the answers to the questions you have. We offer free case consultations, so call us today.